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The Solvency II Handbook: Practical Approaches to Implementation
Discipline: Regulation, Insurance
No of pages: 512
First published:
ISBN: 9781782721888
Written by insurers for insurers,The Solvency II Handbook: Practical Approaches to Implementation is a hugely important text for all practitioners in the field, as well as consultants and students. Focusing on implementation and the challenges, it will help you to solve practical problems in your day to day job saving you time and costly mistakes.
As the title suggests this book focuses on the practical side of Solvency II and the actual implementation. The original best-selling Solvency II Handbook, published in 2009, focused on the theory with a detailed examination of the main requirements and impacts of Solvency II to insurers and reinsurers. Both books complement each other and should be read by anyone dealing with Solvency II in any capacity.
Introduction: Starting the Solvency II Journey
Solvency II: The journey so far
Internal Models and Solvency II
Review of the Capital Adequacy Framework in Singapore
Insurance Liabilities Under IFRS 4 Phase II and Solvency II: Almost the Same Thing?
Solvency II and Mutual Insurance Companies
The Journey Towards an Approved Internal Model
The Road to Solvency II for a Life Insurance Company
Managing Model Risk
Solvency II and Reinsurance
ORSA: A Forward-looking Approach to Risk and Capital Management
Risk Governance: A Framework to Support Better Decision-making and a Journey Towards Continuous Improvement
Operational Risk and Solvency II: A Practitioner Perspective
Reporting Processes
Reporting Challenges under Solvency II: The Allianz Experience
The Audit of Solvency II Information
The Holistic Balance Sheet: A Different European Approach for Pension Funds?
Capital for Operational Risk: Some Fundamental Flaws
Reputational Risk: Success is Trust-dependent