JOR 17 6 Authors
The Journal of Risk
Volume 17, Issue 6
Ahmed Chakir
Professor Dr. M. Ahmed Chakir is Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship in the Department of management at the National School of Trade and Management, Agadir, Morocco. He received his PhD in Finance from the University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco. He is a financial economist with consulting, research and teaching experiences in financial engineering, venture capital, Entrepreneurship and Islamic finance. He has many published and in press papers in refereed academic journals such as in the Journal of Risk, The Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, Cahiers de Recherche en Sciences de Gestion and the European Journal of Business and Management. Ahmed Chakir gives lectures and workshops in Morocco and abroad, and has presented many research papers at professional conferences. He is the president of the organizing committee of the International conference of entrepreneurial finance. He is also the founder and the president of the Laboratory of Research in Entrepreneurship Finance and Audit.
Ali Kafou
Ali Kafou is a doctoral candidate in finance at the National School of Trade and Management, Agadir, Morocco. He earned his bachelor of accounting and financial management from the national school of trade and management and his Master of financial engineering from the national school of applied sciences. His primary research interests include financial engineering, Islamic finance, computational finance and applied stochastic. He has one published paper (in Cahiers de Recherche en Sciences de Gestion) and two others in press, in refereed academic journals such as in the Journal of Risk and The Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance. He was also asked to review papers for international refereed academic journals such as the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. He has presented many research papers at professional conferences. He is a member of the organizing committee of the International conference of entrepreneurial finance. He is also a member of the Laboratory of Research in Entrepreneurship Finance and Audit.
Kenneth Baldwin
Kenneth Baldwin's research interest is risk management in Islamic banking. He believes this area is under-developed and in need of both theoretical and empirical studies to enhance and expand the toolkits available to risk managers. Additionally, he is interested in Sukuk valuation, and the systemic risk consequences of banking in accordance with Shari'a tenets. His research has all been unfunded and conducted in personal time whilst managing a busy career in banking. He set up Islamic Financial Analytics Limited to provide training and advisory solutions to Islamic banks, central banks, and financial regulators. IFA trains banking practitioners in risk management and product pricing and valuation. It also provides risk and financial analytic advisory in regards to risk policy development, risk methodology and financial model formulation, and implementation of Basel regulatory standards. Kenneth Baldwin has over 20 years of experience in banking and finance as a practitioner. In his earlier career he worked for UBS and Credit Suisse in London in risk and derivatives product control roles. Most recently, whilst at the Islamic Development Bank, he set up a financial strategy and policy function. He then moved to the middle east, and has held risk management positions in both Islamic and conventional financial institutions. He has a broad and deep hands-on knowledge of financing, investing, and funding products, having worked in retail and corporate banking, as well as private equity and venture capital banks. At Citigroup he was regional head of quantitative analysis responsible for overseeing the structuring and pricing of derivative contracts in excess of $20 billions of notional amount. He also conceptualized and developed an in-house ALM solution for Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, and has undertaken a wide variety of deal due diligence and risk appraisal initiatives in support of credit and investment transactions. Kenneth Baldwin holds a doctorate in the Microeconomic theory of Islamic contracts, a first class honors degree in Physics from Oxford University, and is a Chartered Accountant. He is an academic referee for the Islamic finance and economics research publication of ISRA, a Malaysian based research organisation.
Hylmun Izhar
Dr. Izhar is currently an economist at Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), Islamic Development Bank. Prior to joining IRTI-IDB, he was a lecturer at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education (MIHE), Leicester, United Kingdom where he taught Islamic Financial Instruments, Economic Development & Finance and Cross Culture Management. Previously, he was awarded a distinguished research fellowship at Oxford Islamic Finance, Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary company of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OXCIS), Oxford, United Kingdom. He earned his masters degree in Islamic Finance with distinction at Loughborough University, United Kingdom (a masters degree in affiliation with the Markfield Institute of Higher Education), and obtained a PhD in Islamic Finance from Durham University, United Kingdom during which he was honoured a prestigious Doctoral Fellowship by the Graduate School, Durham University. Dr. Izhar's academic articles appear in a number of refereed journals such as the Journal of Risk, Review of Islamic Economics, Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, Muslim World Book Review, Afro EuroAsian Studies, and Islamic Economic Studies, IIUM Journal Economics and Management. Some of his recent accomplishments include his active involvement in the World Bank Group's Technical Assistance to the Government of Tanzania, IRTI Social Finance Report 2014, Development of the Mid-term Review (MTR) of the Islamic Financial Services Industry Development: 10-Year Framework and Strategies, a project in collaboration with the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB); and Development of Practice-Driven Risk Management Standards for Financial Institutions Offering Islamic Banking Services, a project in collaboration with Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).