
Usha Sridhar

Ecometrix Research

Usha Sridhar is co-founder of Ecometrix Research, in Bangalore, India, and has worked in the area of Data Analytics and Mining over the last two decades in the industry and academia. Previously, she was with IBM's Global Business Solutions Division in NY, USA working on Data Mining solutions and consulting projects for the Banking and Financial Institutions segment. She has also been an entrepreneur working on business analytics applications in diverse areas.

Her current research interests in microeconomics include group decision making under risk and uncertainty, social learning and dynamics as applied to social and economic networks, cooperative game theory, and mechanism design.
Dr. Usha holds bachelors and masters degrees in Economics and Econometrics from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, and a Ph.D in the area of mathematical programming from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Her doctoral thesis was awarded the Gold Medal of Indian Economic Association. Usha has held visiting research positions in India and overseas.


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