Stenham Asset Management

Valuation under the microscope

Hedge fund valuation is coming under more scrutiny than ever before. Kris Devasabai speaks to industry experts about best practices in this area and how the framework of the US Financial Accounting Standard Board’s classification of financial assets…

Plethora of strategy choices for 2010

Views on the best performing strategies for 2010 differ. They range from the cautiously optimistic outlooks that favour quantitative market neutral strategies benefiting from price dispersion through to aggressive plays in commodities and equities.

Passage to India proves difficult

Hedge funds are struggling to break into the Indian market. While many believe the dramatic fall in the Bombay Stock Exchange in 2008 will push more investors towards hedge funds, significant obstacles block their way, reports Stephen Quigley

Trapped in a deleveraging spiral

One of the biggest seismic shifts in 2008 was away from leverage. Easy credit has gone for good. Hedge Funds Review examines what options hedge funds have now that the easy credit has dried up