Deutsche Bank

Senate upholds EPA carbon regulation powers

The US Senate voted against stripping the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its powers to regulate carbon emissions yesterday, and is now set to consider a new energy bill without a cap-and-trade element

Doing it for the Kid

If someone could create a short form document of three or four pages that could alert retail investors to the proceeds and pitfalls of a structured product, then regulators could relax, investors could do their own simple risk-reward analysis and product…

Metal mania

China is the world’s fastest-growing consumer of base metals and its appetite for raw materials has resulted in a staggering growth in onshore listed derivatives. But its relevance to the institutional markets is still limited. Georgina Lee reports

Solvency management provides reinsurance opportunity

Testing economic conditions have prompted widespread moves by life insurers to reinsure their liabilities in order to gain capital relief. As the situation eases, will demand for reinsurance fall, or are other factors coming to prominence? Blake Evans…