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WallStreetdocs is an innovative provider of document-centric automation solutions for structured products. The company helps banks develop IT-based workflows that allow them to generate all legal and marketing documents required for a structured products issuance at the touch of a button.

The company has IT experts and lawyers with substantial experience in the documentation of debt capital markets transactions. This means clients have the option to outsource the tedious task of creating and maintaining document templates to the vendor.

As the graphic below illustrates, the WallStreetdocs solution covers all aspects of the documentation chain – from the generation of first drafts, to the review and approval of documents, all the way to final sign-off.

Users manually input all necessary data via a graphical user interface. Alternatively, clients can link the software with their trade booking system to achieve a fully automated workflow.

WallStreetdocs is offered as a hosted solution, so clients can get up and running very quickly. In some cases, the company has been able to automate entire structured notes programs in as little as three weeks from the day it received the base prospectus and other sample documents to the point where the client was able to generate fully automated documents.

In addition to a document automation platform, WallStreetdocs offers a database of boilerplate disclosure, including an up-to-date library of index descriptions. The solution also includes a workflow tool for the review and approval of the documents generated with its software.

WallStreetdocs has partnered with US and European law firms to be able to offer banks legal opinions on the documents generated with the software.

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